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Bigo Live Agency

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Bigo Live Agency

Start your own Bigo Live Agency and recruit hosts to earn extra money! Submit your application for Bigo Live Agency here.

What is Bigo Live Agency?

Bigo Live Agency enables you to recruit hosts on Bigo Live and earn a monthly commission for each host you bring to the Bigo Live streaming app.

Start today and recruit talented, KOLs, artists, celebrities to become hosts or create them by recruiting talented users to become famous fast.

How to start Bigo Live Agency?

Register and start your Bigo Live Agency in just a few steps by filling out the Bigo Live Agency Registration form. Once approved, you can begin recruiting hosts, building your profits, and receiving monthly commission.

Bigo Live Agency Requirements

  • Bigo Live Account
  • Your Name
  • Your Address
  • Your Email
  • Your Phone Number
  • Agency Name
  • Agency Introduction

These details are necessary to complete the registration process and start your journey with Bigo Live Agency.

Bigo Live Agency Types

Bigo Live Domestic Agency

  • Description: You can recruit hosts in your country with a profit rate of 20% for each host.
  • Registration fees: 145 USD - Paid only once.

Bigo Live Regional Agency

  • Description: You can recruit hosts in all countries in your region with a profit rate of 25% for each host.
  • Registration fees: 175 USD - Paid only once.

Bigo Live International Agency

  • Description: You can recruit hosts in all countries in all regions with a profit rate of 30% for each host.
  • Registration fees: 225 USD - Paid only once.

Bigo Live Diamonds Reseller Agency

  • Description: You can buy diamonds in bulk at the cheapest price and resell them at the market price with a profit rate of 40%. Including international agency to recruit hosts in all countries in all regions with a profit rate of 30% for each host.
  • Registration fees: 750 USD - Paid only once.

Bigo Live Agency LLC Company

  • Description: Your LLC Company will be created and registered as an international agency and diamond seller. You will be able to create your own contracts for the hosts under your rules and regulations.
  • Registration fees: 2950 USD - Paid only once.
  • Click on What is Agency LLC Company to learn more

Frequently Asked Questions. |

What is Bigo Live Agency?

Bigo Live Agency is a business model that allows individuals to partner with Bigo Live to recruit broadcasters from other platforms or existing users interested in earning money by creating daily live broadcasts and interacting with their audience.
As an agent, you earn a percentage of the profits for each host registered with your agency. The more hosts you bring in, the higher your monthly earnings. Start growing your profits today by joining the Bigo Live Agency network!

How to Apply for Bigo Live Agency?

Register and start your Bigo Live Agency in just a few steps by filling out the Bigo Live Agency Registration form. Once approved, you can begin recruiting hosts, building your profits, and receiving a monthly commission.

Who can become an agent?

Any existing Bigo Live user can apply for agency registration. Once your agency is approved, you can start working with Bigo Live and recruit hosts to grow your business.

Do I Need a Company or Office?

No, you don't need a company or office. You can work online from anywhere, making it convenient to manage your Bigo Live Agency from any location.

How to register an Agency as an LLC Company?

If you want to make your own contracts with your hosts under your own rules and regulations, you can register your agency as an LLC company which allows you to make your own contracts under your company brand.
This type of registration requires additional information and fees.
Choosing this type of registration will create your own LLC Company in the USA and register your agency as an LLC Company.

What is the difference between agencies?

Domestic Agency: allows you to recruit hosts in same your country.
Regional Agency: allows you to recruit hosts from your region's countries. Ex: European agents can recruit hosts from all European countries.
International Agency: allows you to recruit hosts from any country no matter in what region/country they live. Also, you can become a diamond reseller Agency to increase your monthly income by applying again for a diamond seller agency.
Diamonds Reseller Agency: You will be registered as an international agency in default, which allows you to buy bulk of diamonds at the cheapest price and resell them at the market price besides the ability to recruit hosts as an international agency.

What is the agent profit percentage?

Domestic Agency: 20% profits each month per host.
Regional Agency: 25% profits each month per host.
International Agency: 30% profits each month per host.
Diamonds Reseller Agency: up to 40% profits per diamonds package - 30% profits each month per host.

What is the host profit percentage?

The hosts can get a monthly salary if they hit their monthly target, there are levels for the monthly target starting from 80$ for 10k of received beans besides the beans cash out.
The more the host hits the targets more the profits can get on a monthly basis.
Host targets cannot be disclosed unless you already registered your agency and get approved - you will be updated every month if there is a change in targets

How Can I Apply for Bigo Agency?

  1. Fill out the form above with your real information.
  2. Pay the one-time agency registration fee you chose.
  3. Submit your request.

Once the fees are paid, your application will be processed and sent for review and approval.
NOTE: The registration fee is a one-time payment with no monthly or annual fees. The fee must be paid in advance before submitting your request.

How Long Does the Review and Approval Process Take?

Applications are typically reviewed and approved within 14 to 30 business days, although it may occasionally take longer.
We strive to avoid rejecting applications unless incorrect information is provided. If necessary, we will contact you via WhatsApp or email to notify you of any discrepancies and advise you to resubmit with accurate details.
NOTE: If your application is rejected due to incorrect information, you won't need to pay the fees again. Simply correct the information and resubmit your application.

Hosts Review, Audition Date, and Approval Process

Once your agency is approved, here's how you can sign up hosts for an audition: When you sign up a new broadcaster in your agency, their application will be under review for 24 hours. An audition date will be scheduled after this period.
If the broadcaster successfully completes the audition, you will receive approval within 24-48 hours. They can then begin official broadcasting.
If the broadcaster fails the audition or misses the audition time, as the agency owner, you can set a new audition date within 24 hours. The new audition will be scheduled for the following month.

What is Bigo Live Help email and phone number?

To contact BIGO LIVE support on WhatsApp, Email and contact form visit this page:

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